الشركة العربية للحراسات والخدمات الأمنية

ISO certificates

We proudly announce that we are ISO certified

Our services

We secure facilities using manpower and a variety of equipment, including vehicles, weapons, communications, cameras, and more.

We always have the latest standards upon which security team members are selected and insurance plans and strategies are developed for your facility. Do not hesitate to contact us and find out the cost of insuring your facility.

Our forces training

One of the reasons that leads to raising the level of service provided is holding courses in the field of public relations. Methods of dealing with the public and preparing security men and women to be prepared to face emergencies or other possibilities are among the training programs that the company holds at its headquarters for parties that request them. These courses are:

  • Various security services course.
  • Various safety devices course.
Insurance stages

It has steps and stages, starting with the human element, choosing appropriate policies, determining the scope of coverage based on the needs of each facility, and determining the necessary procedures to activate insurance efficiently and effectively.

  • Security personnel.
  • Equipment .
  • Plans and preparing.
Preparing security personnel

Security men and women are prepared with the necessary equipment and uniforms in order to perform their job efficiently and safely.

  • equipment.
  • Uniform.
Our history

Our years of experience bear witness to our great actions and achievements.

More than 12 years of experience in providing protection and security in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This long period of work and dedication is a strong indication of the quality and reliability that the company provides in meeting the needs of its customers. Thanks to its long history and the successes it has achieved, the Guards and Security Services Company has become a trusted partner for many companies and facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company fully understands the individual needs of each client and works to provide customized solutions to suit their unique requirements.